

我們的使命: 提供專業的工程機械設備與服務,為客戶提供專業的工程機械綜合解決方案。

我們的愿景: 通過不斷的技術創新和貼心的客戶服務,為客戶帶來更好的產品和服務。


  1. 創新至上 - 不斷探索新技術,勇于突破傳統邊界,以革新的精神推動企業的發展。
  2. 質量為根 - 堅持產品質量是企業生存的根本。
  3. 客戶為上 - 始終將客戶的需求放在首位,傾聽他們的聲音,為他們提供專業的解決方案和服務。
  4. 誠信經營 - 以誠實守信為原則,建立長期信任關系,確保所有業務行為的透明度和道德性。
  5. 團隊合作 - 鼓勵團隊協作精神,相互尊重、支持,共同實現公司的目標和夢想。
  6. 責任擔當 - 對客戶、員工、社會和環境負責,致力于可持續發展,履行社會責任。


  • 敬業樂群 - 我們的員工熱愛自己的工作,樂于在團隊中貢獻自己的力量。
  • 開放共享 - 我們倡導知識與資源的共享,鼓勵開放式交流與合作。
  • 持續學習 - 在快速變化的市場環境中,我們重視員工的培訓與發展,鼓勵持續學習和成長。
  • 環保 - 生產和環境保護是我們工作的重要組成部分,我們致力于創建一個綠色環保的工作環境,并減少對環境的影響。



Our Mission
: To provide professional engineering machinery and services, offering customers comprehensive solutions for their engineering needs.

Our Vision: To bring better products and services to our customers through continuous technological innovation and attentive customer service.

Core Values:

Innovation First - Continuously explore new technologies, dare to break through traditional boundaries, and drive the development of the enterprise with an innovative spirit.
Quality as the Foundation - Insist that product quality is the foundation for the survival of the enterprise.
Customer First - Always prioritize customer needs, listen to their voices, and provide them with professional solutions and services.
Integrity in Business - Operate with honesty and trustworthiness as principles, establish long-term trust relationships, and ensure transparency and ethicalness in all business activities.
Teamwork - Encourage a team spirit of collaboration, mutual respect, and support to achieve the company's goals and dreams together.
Responsibility - Be responsible for customers, employees, society, and the environment, commit to sustainable development, and fulfill social responsibilities.

Our Cultural Characteristics:

Dedication and Teamwork - Our employees love their work and are happy to contribute their strength within the team.
Openness and Sharing - We advocate for the sharing of knowledge and resources, encouraging open communication and cooperation.
Continuous Learning - In a rapidly changing market environment, we value employee training and development, encouraging continuous learning and growth.
Environmental Protection - Production and environmental protection are important parts of our work. We are committed to creating a green and environmentally friendly work environment and reducing our impact on the environment.

Our Promise:

We promise to integrate our corporate culture into our daily work, not only reflected in our products and services but also in every interaction with customers and colleagues. We believe that by adhering to these principles and values, we can shape a stronger and more dynamic enterprise together.